Duszynski Lab

As the focal site of oxidative metabolism, mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. They are involved not only in ATP production and various metabolic pathways but also in many signaling cascades. Moreover, they are the main site of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation within the cell. The central role of mitochondria in many physiological processes, for example: apoptosis, ageing, division, mobility etc. is well documented now.

In the laboratory of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes we investigate metabolism, structure, function and dynamics of mitochondria, both under physiological and pathological conditions. Our main research interests are focused on normal physiology of mitochondria as well as on effects of mitochondrial defects on cell structure, energy state of the cell, generation of reactive oxygen species and cellular calcium homeostasis. We study various experimental models: various cell lines, cells derived from patients with metabolic disorders or glycogen storage disease. Our laboratory has also a long-standing interest in the role of p66Shc protein in oxidative stress and ageing.


New three manuscripts from our laboratory accepted for publication

2019-04-22 15:54:03

We are pleased to announce, that recently three our manuscripts:

1) Marchi S, Vitto VAM, Danese A, Wieckowski MR, Giorgi C and Pinton P "Mitochondrial calcium uniporter complex modulation in cancerogenesis" Cell Cycle - in press

2) Malińska D., Więckowski MR., Michalska B., Drabik K., Prill M., Patalas-Krawczyk P., Walczak J., Szymański J., Mathis C., Van der Toorn M., Luettich K., Hoeng J., Peitsch MC., Duszyński J. and Szczepanowska J. "Mitochondria as a possible target for nicotine action" Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes - in press

3) Tarocco A, Caroccia N, Morciano G, Wieckowski MR, Ancora G, Garani G, Pinton P "Melatonin as a master regulator of cell death and inflammation: molecular mechanisms and clinical implications for newborn care" Cell Death Disease - in press

​have been accepted for publication